error when starting remoteapp program - "the following is not in your list of authorised programms:"
have 2 rd web servers set up using an nlb cluster
3 rd sesison host servers - dns round robin
session broker (installed on dc)

web single sign on is in place using cert generated internally on standalone ca

I have added several programs to list on all session host servers and allows "domain users" access to them.

regardless of the account that logs on I get the error "the following remoteapp program is not in the list of authorized programs: WordPad

I have tried various things but I am sure the setup is correct.. any ideas?
October 26th, 2009 2:29pm

I have two immediate thoughts:

Have you tried to access with a domain admin account? Does it work then?
Have you taken out and re-added Wordpad to all servers? I assume wordpad is listed on all 3 servers?

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October 26th, 2009 3:02pm

I have indeed tried with and without domain admin priveliges and yes.. I have removed and re-added different applications - none ofthese actions have resolved the issue.
October 26th, 2009 3:15pm


contact me at kristin.l.griffin AT gmail DOT com and I will help you.
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October 26th, 2009 3:36pm

If you back up and turn off web single sign on do you get through?

can you open a regular desktop session to a terminal server or farm?
October 26th, 2009 3:42pm

Are you sure you added WordPad to the RemoteApp list on all RDS servers? Just trying to connect to the server does not work if the app was not added to the list.

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October 28th, 2009 10:36am


Based on my experience on similar issues, this error may be caused by missing Host Records of the TS servers on the local DNS.

To fix this issue, please add the Host Records of the Terminal Servers into the local DNS and test it again.

Let us know the result if possible. Thanks.

Best Regards,

Lionel Chen

October 30th, 2009 11:22am

I was having the same issue with an application and by changing the path of the remote app program from "%SYSTEMDRIVE%"  too "C:\"   I was able to launch the application.

Hope this helps.



  • Proposed as answer by James Dastrup Tuesday, August 24, 2010 8:50 PM
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January 22nd, 2010 8:54pm

I was experiencing this exact error "the following remoteapp program is not in the list of authorized programs:" using Windows 2008 R2 and RDS to serve Quickbooks Enterprise 10.  The problem was the firewall had been configured to point RDP traffic to a different Windows server on the same network, basically, this authorization error was saying the software wasn't there to run.


Make sure your DNS settings are correct if its a LAN server and if its an internet server make sure your routes are correct.

  • Proposed as answer by SixxOne Tuesday, May 15, 2012 9:54 PM
June 28th, 2010 10:55pm

I was experiencing this exact error "the following remoteapp program is not in the list of authorized programs:" using Windows 2008 R2 and RDS to serve Quickbooks Enterprise 10.  The problem was the firewall had been configured to point RDP traffic to a different Windows server on the same network, basically, this authorization error was saying the software wasn't there to run.


Make sure your DNS settings are correct if its a LAN server and if its an internet server make sure your routes are correct.

After changing app path from "%SYSTEMDRIVE%"  to "C:\"  works. Thanks Phil.



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November 26th, 2010 4:11am

Check on the Session Host server in RemoteApp Manager within the overview panel that the RD Session Host server settings point to the server name of the session host and the digital signature settings points to the web access certificate.

This worked for me.

August 24th, 2011 10:12am

I had the same message appear after 11 months of working fine.

Turns out that it didn't like me changine the Alias on the properties page of a previously added RemoteApp.  The applications properties are stored in the registry using that Alias as the key, and when changed the reg key doesn't get updated.

Options would be to change the Alias back to its original or update the reg key to match the new alias.

Location in question:  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\TSAppAllowList\Applications

Hope this helps someone else in the future.

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December 2nd, 2011 2:11pm

I ran into this problem today.  For me, the "alias" of each RemoteApp on the new Session Host I was setting up didn't match the "alias" of the RemoteApp on the existing Session Hosts.  When I made it consistent with the existing servers, the RemoteApp would launch.
  • Proposed as answer by Rob-HPC Tuesday, January 10, 2012 6:17 PM
January 10th, 2012 6:17pm

You can also get this error when you change the name of the remote app on the server and your users pc doens't update his remote app settings afterwards.
So there is a missmatch of the name of the remote app, resulting in an non-authorized remote application

Beste Regards
Hans Leysen

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April 11th, 2012 12:50pm

Thanks Patrick Teas

You nailed it!

April 18th, 2013 11:56am

well let's see if we can fix mine. I have 5 terminal servers pushing apps. 2 push one app and 3 push a different app. but all are ran through the same RDS gateway. I have a user that can open one app or the other but cannot open both apps at the same time. to open the other app she has to close the first one completely or she will get the above mentioned error. any ideas? I can open them both at the same time fine, so can some others. but still many others are getting the error when trying to open both apps at the same time.


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October 3rd, 2013 6:14pm

What OS versions are the servers and the end-user's PC running? You might try making sure the user is running the latest version of the RDP client, there were some known issues like this with newer versions of Windows Server and older versions of the RDP client.
October 7th, 2013 8:49pm

In my case it was opening the TCP range 49152-65535 from session host to connection broker (the CB was also the Web Access server).
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November 21st, 2013 11:33am

FYI all - we had this issue on some Windows 7 SP1 clients.  Running a full 2012 R2 RDS infrastructure, some clients would not be able to open RemoteApps in 2 different session collections, and would get the same error.  Installing the following RDP updates fixed the issue:






December 2nd, 2014 8:09am

For me it was the same error, but a different solution. I had to add the two || in the RDP-File before the program names as shown here

alternate shell:s:||programname

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March 6th, 2015 3:13pm

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